Saturday, June 13, 2009

Single Payer Urgent Action

In 1997 one million Italians sent a blizzard of postcards to their parliament demanding an anti-landmine bill. It worked.

We could send A MILLION POSTCARDS to Max Baucus, the quasi-Democrat who's in charge of the Finance Committee and who has a stranglehold against single payer or even a strong "public option." He claims that the "American people don't support single-payer" tho polls show that 64% do. (If it's easier for you to send a scribbled note in an envelope, do that. Do put PLEASE SUPPORT SINGLE PAYER on the outside of the envelope too.) I use "This American does want single payer!" om my postcard. Please forward this info to your friends.

Senator Max Baucus
511 Hart Senate Office Building,
District of Columbia 20510-2602
Phone: 202.224.2651
Fax: 202.224.9412
(As the Finance chair, he has not just the future of Montanans, but of all Americans in his hands.)

White House comment line
202.456.1111 (6AM-2PM Pacific Time)
(I use speaker & redial til I get a ring. Hold has never been longer than 5 minutes.)

• Maximum size is 6” long X 4 1/4” high
• Minimum size is 5” long X 3 1/2” high
.28 cents postage tho you can use a 42 cent or 44 cent.

Some background thoughts:

The Medical-Industrial Complex Insurance Corporations add what value to your healthiness exactly? The idea of profiting on someone's health care is sickening. Health rights are not a privilege of the rich or lucky in other modern countries. Currently we have insurance corporations' profit coming between you and your doctor.

I'm focusing on sending postcards to Senate & House committee chairs exhorting them to bring at least a representative of single-payer for health care to the table. (Single payer not public option is how you save the annual big $300 billions on insurance corporations' paper-shuffling costs.)

I thought of postcards (which don't have to be opened to be read) because I just read about the wonderful surgeon-without-borders Dr. Gino Strada stirring up !a million postcards! from Italian citizens in 1997 (each with a picture of a mutilated child) to exhort the Italian President to signatory a landmine ban. That year the Italian parliament passed "a law banning the production, use, import, and export of land mines."

The equivalent of EVERY man, woman, and child in the whole states of Georgia, Indiana, North Carolina, New Jersey, Virginia, have NO health care in our United States of America. (Mnemonic: GINNV.)

Or you could say that the equivalent of EVERY man, woman, and child in the whole states of New York State, Illinois, Pennsylvania, and Iowa have NO health care. (Mnemonic: NIPI.) Even more shocking & shameful put this way, isn't it? [bxA]

(You can find addresses for postcarding; phone numbers; fax numbers re health rights movement on congressdotorg.)

cheers & Thanks,

ps .Keep an eye on Sheldon Whitehouse, Democratic Senator Rhode Island -- stunningly smart and humane.
Insurance corporation ceo annual compensation:
* Ron Williams - Aetna - Total Compensation: $24,300,112.
* H. Edward Hanway - CIGNA - Total Compensation: $12,236,740.
* Angela Braly - WellPoint - Total Compensation: $9,844,212.
* Dale Wolf - Coventry Health Care - Total Compensation: $9,047,469.
* Michael Neidorff - Centene - Total Compensation: $8,774,483.
* James Carlson - AMERIGROUP - Total Compensation: $5,292,546.
* Michael McCallister - Humana - Total Compensation: $4,764,309.
* Jay Gellert - Health Net - Total Compensation: $4,425,355.
* Richard Barasch - Universal American - Total Compensation: $3,503,702.
There are 1300 insurance corporations across the nation making for a snarled (& snarling) tangle of paperwork that is, well, insane.
cartoon: Mark Badger

Friday, June 5, 2009

The Real Pornography .. stynking synnes vile

Obscene Accumulation is the Real Pornography.

Back in the also-obscene nuclear-weapons accumulation days, I used to wail and rail, "Let them steal our tiny piggybanks to build enough nuclear weapons to obliterate all living things and reduce all human structures to vapor and/or pebble-sized rubble 5x over. I won't even squawk about that. I am willing to go that barkingly-mad far in assuaging their paranoid fantasies.

But the 6th world-rubbling? The 7th? The 10th?


They have powerful inner demons that have to be fed. But they don't have to be fed our children's education and universal healthcare (certainly a jesusian idea) and a minimum wage which does not bring us shame. $14000 per minute for the fantasy Missile Crackpot Scheme aka StarWars? $50,000 every four seconds for the Iraq war?


So, there is a sin of scale. SUVs seriously suck, but Hummers are an Express Ticket to Hell. (Arnold had 8 Hummers – you do the Math on how fast he gets to the 10th Circle of Frozen Tears.) SUVs are the vehicular equivalent of microencephaly – the smaller the brain (& no doubt the dawg), the more bizarrely enormous the vehicle.

I'm hoping to get us to think about not an Utopia, but rather an Buenopia – not perfect but good enough. In that world which will be wrought by the progressive work we begin and continue now, we will have solved the pathology of the Real Pornography: Obscene, Filthy Accumulation. How?

Well, a main task of artists is to show the Frantically Rich that those riches, like ole Midas did find out, don't ultimately satisfy. There is enough money that makes you and your family comfortable and safe. Massive Accumulations of Money that sit in your bank account fester spiritually. You don't earn or need $33 million dollars in some year. It's sick. You don't need $90,000 bucks a day. You don't need a tax break. You need prayer. That the poor sonsabitches whose lives and labor you hoovered all that lolly from don't wake up and think, "It's a lovely day for a Guillotine."

It absolutely earthquakes my mind that people are offended by a glimpse of Janet Jackson's bosom or the burning of a flag, and we are talking Mt. Everests of Bosom & Flag Dudgeon here and Congressional Hearings with pompous and pious speeches, -- and somebody gets 33 million bucks and the minimum wage is 7 bucks an hour and nobody twitches? My mind-heart struggles with the human Math – how much does what matter what? [bxA]

I have to recommend to you an always free consultation with my friend Dan Gero, a journalist and philosopher from Mars. Of course he's in disguise. He doesn't want to get incinerated, smithereened, or dissected. I can get you in touch with him though if you're earnest. A long chat and a cup of cocoa with someone from another planet is very sobering. Excruciatingly illuminating. You try to explain that a free market (hahaha) always brings the best result. It doesn't. It brings random and insane and clearly stupid results, but it's an article of economic theology that it always works better than, say, that Satan of Capitalists, the Government. I got a Rapture Ticket I can sell you if you believe that.

Explain slowly and clearly to a patient philosopher from another planet why we get so twisted in a nutknot about Janet Jackson's bosom or some such and the polite sympathetic look in his kind alien eyes is unbearable. When you see your species from the vantage of someone from another planet whose insight isn't clouded by tribal prejudices (the human tribe), there's a fair amount of nonsense that's too ludicrous to defend.

"Well," I said, "in the dominant Religion in my nation . . ."

"Excuse me," he will say softly, "What's a nation?"

"Uhh. Well, it has a square rectangle of colored cloth that you wave on a stick or run up a pole. Your rectangle of striped colored cloth tells you which nation is yours, sort of. You have a special rousing war song. You hardly ever kill people who wave the same colored rectangle of cloth even if you hate them. If they have a different colored rectangle of cloth and your government says to, you kill them even if you like them. Or you kill them even if you don't have a clue whether you would like them or not if you sat down together to have a burger and a beer. You kill people who step over your border if your government is really mad at them."

"What's a border?"

"Uhh. Well, it's a line that separates my nation from Juan's nation."

"We have very powerful holo-telescopes on Mars. I've never seen such lines. We can count the trees in your forests, but I have never seen these lines?"

"Uhhh. Well, they're there. Uhhh. Well, they're on pieces of paper we call maps. They matter. We kill for them. We die for them. I've never seen one either. But. But they're there. They're very real to us. I don't know why."

"So you were telling me about the dominant 'Religion' in your nation, now that I understand what a nation is."

"Yeah, in the dominant Religion in our nation, they have one special day a week where they go drink the blood and eat the flesh of their God's Son."

When you tell these kinds of things to a philosopher from another planet, and you see the politely veiled recoiling look on his face, it's hard to want to have 'Human' stamped on your Galactic Passport.

As a friend of mine says, "We have our work cut out for us to get 'equality of human value' around our whole spaceship. Capitalism has significant strengths. One of the great flaws of untended capitalism, however, is its collateral-damageizing of workers. Stupid becomes bad becomes evil when you aren't watching. It'd be better to go back to beads and barter if paper money and then just chicken scratches symbolizing paper money become more important than the people."

The idea that unless people are motivated by Continually Basted and Stuffed (like the Thanksgiving Turkey) Greed, we will devolve into uninventive sloth is balderdash, but it is an Article of Faith justifying the Grotesque Accumulations Of Cold Gold. Let's take three counter-indications. Most artists make zilch until after they die and then all the Richies buy up these symbols of something more meaningful than that Bottom Line. Us artists work like dogs for zilch.

Legions of women before the modern era did godszillions of useful volunteer work for centuries without money remuneration. Similarly almost all of the people who labor like dogs in non-profits are lousily underpaid, but they do the work passionately anyway.

Europeans who are hugely more taxed manage to have verve enough to continue to be entrepreneurial at a rate comparable to America's verve -- with much more public accountability.

So we can take 'greed as necessary motivation' off the table. It's a hoary crock that gets hauled out in these arguments and somehow stops all further thought. Forget it. It's stupid. It's not true.

We'll explore more of the solutions to the Real Pornography of Obscene Accumulation under the kind but relentless gaze of our Martian friends, unblinded by economic creeds, but for the moment, begin to study and dream and mull over a future in which you cannot feel or be lionized as powerful and successful if the planet, our Buenopia, is not pleasant and prosperous for also the least among us. Where you don't get to have Two Mansions until everyone has one Swell Hut with indoor plumbing. A kind of inner gyroscope of justice, or a justice-cap to Obscene Accumulation. I am not, by the way at all against your having a lot more than Mark or Mary, but there is a sin of scale -- what they called in 1450 AD, stynking synnes vile.

Along with them 3 Rs, we might want to start also teaching one J – the simple human math of justice.